Scheduled Publishing

How to use & examples

In the Bulk Article Generation tool, you can schedule the publication of articles according to your needs. Let’s show a few examples.

Example 1

Scheduling publishing one Blog Post each day at 10 AM.

If you want to publish 1 Blog Post each day at a random time you should set up the Start date and time and select the “Random” option.

Example 2

Scheduling publishing 37 Blog Posts from Monday to Friday.

Select the date period for scheduled publishing.

Select the number of Blog Posts. You can type the number if it is necessary.

Note: If you generate more articles than you scheduled the rest of them will be published as a “Draft”. For this example, if you generate 50 blog posts and schedule 37 of them it means 13 articles will be published as a Draft.

Example 3

Scheduling publishing 20 Blog Posts on the first week of a month and one Blog Post each day after that.

Select the Start date and End date.

Set up the dates for the first week of the month.

Add the "Date range 2" for publishing one Blog Post each day after the first week of the month.

If you encounter any difficulties or have any questions, please chat or email us.

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