Bulk Article Generation

Auto-Posting: 1000 Articles in Hours!

In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to create 1000 Articles in Hours and post them automatically on the WordPress website.

Opening the tool

In your Dashboard click on the Bulk Article Generation.

1. Adding main keywords, titles, additional keywords.

It's very easy to add up to 100 article-generation tasks.

1.1 Uploading an Excel file

By default, values from the first 3 columns are loaded starting from the 1 line. But it can be done also from other columns if you name them Main Keyword | Title | Keywords (like in the picture). 

-In the Keywords field, you can add values up to 2500 characters long. 

-All Excel formats are supported. 

-Upload file size - no more than 3 MB.

Click on the "Import from Excel" button.

It should automatically fill in fields.

1.2 Copying from Excel file

Copy rows from an Excel file and put your cursor in the first row of "Main keyword" and then press CTRL+V.

1.3 Autocomplete Mode

Enter the main keyword. Press the "Generate" button.

It will generate the main keywords for the next tasks. You can press the "Generate button" for up to 100 generation tasks. You can delete the main keywords and generate new ones if necessary.

You can generate Titles by pressing the "Generate" button.

Generating NLP keywords by pressing the "Generate NLP" button.

All fields will be filled in automatically.

2. Core Settings

Select the language for the articles.

Select article size.

Choose AI Model.

Details about AI Models can be found here.

Turning on Humanize Text.

Humanize Text example here.

Choose a Tone of voice. You can also write your own tone of voice.

Choose a Point of view.

Select the target country.

Add details you want to be included in the text.

Choose Intense mode if it's necessary to add details in each section of the article.

3. Media Hub

Generate images 🖼️ and add YouTube videos 🎥 along with your article using the Bulk Article Generation.

More details about "Media Hub" can be found here.

4. Article Structure

You can set up article structures.

5. Internal Linking

More details about "Internal Linking" can be found here.

6. External Linking

More details about "External Linking" can be found here.

7. Connect to Web

To turn on "Connect to Web" select "Yes".

Detailed instructions on how to use "Connect to Web" can be found here.

8. Syndication

It can help you boost your brand exposure, draw more traffic to your website, and improve your lead generation and conversion rates. 🌐

Detailed instructions on how to use "Syndication" can be found here.

9. Saving Documents

You can select the folder where to save all articles.

To create a new folder just go to "Documents" and press the "New Folder" button.

After that, you should be able to choose the directory.

10. Publish to WordPress

You can turn ON auto posting to the WordPress website.

Detailed instructions on how to use "Publish to WordPress" can be found here.

11. Run Bulk Article Generation

12. Generation process

You can see the generation process.

13. AutoPosting to WordPress website

After finishing generation all posts will be automatically published (scheduled) on the WordPress

That's it! If you encounter any difficulties or have any questions about Bulk Article Generation, please chat or email us.

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