Multi-Platform Syndication

Enhance your marketing with just one click!

Effortlessly create and share marketing materials across popular platforms! Create posts for Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, WhatsApp, Pinterest, and email newsletters directly from your articles. 🚀 
It can help you boost your brand exposure, draw more traffic to your website, and improve your lead generation and conversion rates. 🌐

Select which platforms you need to generate marketing materials for.

To do this, simply select the “Single” or “Thread” option for Twitter.

For other platforms you can select “Yes”.

For material without links you can select “No Link”.

If you wish to add a link later then you can choose “Placeholder” option.

If you wish to add a link to the published article on your website you can select “WordPress Link”. To ensure proper functionality, please update the WordPress plugin to the latest version.

Note: The link will be added only if the post is published. It doesn’t work for the posts with “Draft” and “Scheduled” statuses.

For adding a custom link you can enter an URL.

After the article finishes you can check the result by clicking to the “Syndication” checkbox.

Copy the result for each of the platforms in 1-Click and post to your social media pages!

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